The above seal symbol of Vienna and the first district, or as it's called: The Innere Stadt (Center City). This dates back to circa 1270.
Area: 2.88 km²
Population: (as of 2005) 17,289 - the least populated district in Vienna
At it's highest, there were 73,000 people in this small neighborhood
Prestige: "For lots of them, an office in the prestigious first district is necessary to have for the letterheads. Speaking of prestige: The first district has a population of a mere 17,000, with a high percentage of foreigners. Yet Viennese consider an address from the first district to be equivalent with an academic degree or a noble name." - from
Religion: (as of 2001) 51.3 %: Roman Catholic, 6.6 % Protestants, 5.1 % Orthodox Christians, 3.3 % Jews, 22.7 % non-confessional
Top Tourist Locations:
* Albertina (palace converted to art museum)
* Burgtheater (produces plays)
* Graben (main shopping street)
* Hofburg Imperial Palace (Imperial seat of the Hapsburgs)
* Kapuzinergruft (The Imperial Crypt)
* Kärntner Straße (main shopping street)
* Kunsthistorisches Museum (historical art museum)
* Maria am Gestade Kirche (church)
* Peterskirche (church)
* Ruprechtskirche (church)
* Schottenstift ("Scottish Abbey", a monastery)
* Stephansdom (St. Stephan's Cathedral)
* Das Rathaus (Vienna's city hall)
* Pestsäule (a plague column)
* Virgilkapelle (underground chapel in Stephansdom U-bahn station)
* Wiener Staatsoper (Vienna State Opera House)
* Stadtpark (City Park)
* Jesuitenkirche (Jesuit or University Church)
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