30 September 2010

Who Rules?

Below is a complete list of the rulers of the Danube Valley, known as Austria
(Margraves, Dukes, Archdukes, Emperors, and Chancellors)

Babenberg Dynasty
Leopold I (Luitpold I., der Erlauchte) 976–994
Henry I the Strong (Heinrich I., der Starke) 994–1018
Adalbert the Victorious (der Siegreiche) 1018–1055
Ernest the Brave (Ernst, der Tapfere) 1055–1075
Leopold II the Fair (Luitpold II., der Schöne) 1075-1095
Leopold III the Good (Luitpold III., der Heilige) 1095–1136
Leopold IV the Generous (Luitpold IV., der Freigiebige) 1136–1141
Henry II Jasomirgott (Heinrich II., Jasomirgott) 1141–1156

Dukes of Austria: 1156, independent of the Duchy of Bavaria.
Leopold V the Virtuous (Luitpold V., der Tugendhafte) 1177-1194
Frederick I the Catholic (Friedrich I., der Katholische) 1195-1198
Leopold VI the Glorious (Luitpold VI., der Glorreiche) 1198-1230
Frederick II the Quarrelsome (Friedrich II., der Streitbare) 1230-1246

Interregnum: After Frederick's death, succession was disputed:
Vladislaus I of Moravia claimant 1246-1247
Herman VI of Baden claimant 1248-1250
Frederick I of Baden claimant 1250-1268
Ottokar II of Bohemia claimant 1251-1278

In 1278, Rudolph I defeated Ottokar for control of Austria. In 1282 he invested his sons with the Duchies of Austria and Styria, thereby securing it for the Habsburg dynasty.

Habsburg Dynasty
Dukes of Austria
1278-1282 Rudolph I of Germany Breisgau
1273–1291 Holy Roman Emperor, never crowned

1282-1308 Albert I of Germany 1298–1308 Holy Roman Emperor, never crowned

1282-1283 Rudolph II the Debonair
1298-1307 Rudolph III the Good
1308-1330 Frederick I the Fair
1308-1326 Leopold I the Glorious
1330-1358 Albert II the Wise
1330-1339 Otto I the Merry
1339-1344 Frederick II
1339-1344 Leopold II

1358-1365 Rudolph IV the Founder

Archdukes of Austria
With the Privilegium Maius in 1359, Rudoph IV attempted to invest the Dukes of Austria with the position of an Archduke, but not recognized until Frederick V confirmed in 1453.

1365-1379 Albert III the Pigtail

1365-1379 Leopold III

Territories divided Rule between the brothers in 1379: The Albertinian Line received the Archduchy of Austria and Lower Austria (not the modern state):

1379-1395 Albert III the Pigtail (See above)

1395-1404 Albert IV

1404-1439* Albert V*
1438–1439 Holy Roman Emperor, Albert II, never crowned
under joint guardianship of Leopold IV and Ernest (1404–1411)

Vacant 1439-1440

1440-1457 Ladislaus I the Posthumous
under guardianship of Emperor Frederick V (1440–1452)

After Ladislaus' death his territories passed to the Leopoldinian Line:

1457-1493 Frederick V*
1440–1493 Holy Roman Emperor, Frederick III

1457-1463 Albert VI the Prodigal

1490 these territories were handed over to:

1490-1493 Maximilian I
1508–1519 Holy Roman Emperor

1485-1490* Matthias Corvinus, King of Hungary
Occupied Austria proper and Styria. Claiming the title "Duke of Austria"

1519-1521 Charles I
1519–1556 Holy Roman Emperor

1521-1564 Ferdinand I
1556–1564 emperor of Holy Roman Empire

1564 The Austrian territories were divided among Ferdinand's sons:

Lower and Upper Austria (Austria proper)
1564-1576 Maximilian II
1564–1576 Holy Roman Emperor

1576-1608 Rudolph V*
1576–1612 Holy Roman Emperor, Rudolph II

1608-1619 Matthias
1612–1619 Holy Roman Emperor

1619 Albert VII

Inner Austria (Styria, Carinthia and Carniola) passed to Ferdinand III under the regency of Maximilian III. The Austrian territories were reunited again by inheritance in 1620 under Ferdinand III, Archduke of Inner Austria, but in 1623 Thirty Years' War gave him so much to do, Ferdinand divided them yet again.

Lower Austria & Inner Austria remained with the elder line:

1590 Ferdinand III*
1619–1637 Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand II

1637-1657 Ferdinand IV*
1637–1657 Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand III

Upper Austria passed to the Younger Tyrolean Line:

1623-1632 Leopold V

1632-1662 Ferdinand Charles

1662-1665 Sigismund Francis

Sigismund Francis’s territories reverted to the elder line, uniting Austria

1657/1665-1705 Leopold VI*
1658–1705 Holy Roman Empire, Leopold I

1705-1711 Joseph I
1705–1711 Holy Roman Emperor

1711-1740 Charles III*
1711–1740 Holy Roman Emperor, Charles VI

1740-1780 Maria Theresa
(1740-1780) Holy Roman Empress (Joint rule with husband and Son)

* The Austrian branch technically ended in 1780 and was replaced by the Vaudemont branch of the House of Lorraine. The new house styled itself as Habsburg-Lorraine (Habsburg-Lothringen), as agnatic descendants of Maria Theresa and Francis Stephen.

1765-1790 Joseph II
1765–1790 Holy Roman Emperor with Maria Theresa until 1780

1790–1792 Leopold VII*
1790–1792 Holy Roman Emperor, Leopold II

1792–1811 Francis II*
1792–1806 Holy Roman Emperor, also Francis I of Austria

Emperors of Austria: 1806 the Holy Roman Empire was dissolved.
1804–1835 Francis I (See above)

1835-1848 Ferdinand I

1848-1916 Francis Joseph I

1916-1918 Charles I

Chancellors of the First Republic of Austria

1918-1920 Karl Renner SDAPÖ, Social Democratic
1920-1921 Michael Mayr Christian Socialist
1921-1922 Johann Schober non-partisan (Beamter)
1922-1922 Walter Breisky Christian Socialist
1922 Johann Schober non-partisan (Beamter)
1922-1924 Ignaz Seipel Christian Socialist
1924-1926 Rudolf Ramek Christian Socialist
1926-1929 Ignaz Seipel Christians Socialist
1929 Ernst Streeruwitz Christian Socialist
1929-1930 Johann Schober non-partisan (Beamter)
1930 Karl Vaugoin Christian Socialist
1930-1931 Otto Ender Christian Socialist
1931-1932 Karl Buresch Christian Socialist
1932-1934 Engelbert Dollfuss Christian Socialist
Austro-fascist Dictatorship
1934-1938 Kurt Schuschnigg Austro-fascist Dictatorship
1938 Arthur Seyss-Inquart National-Socialist Dictatorship

Nazi Germany pressured Austrian President Wilhelm Miklas to appoint Seyß-Inquart, who oversaw the annexation of Austria by Nazi Germany in 1938. Austria's independence was restored in 1945.

Chancellors of the Second Austrian Republic

1945 Karl Renner SPÖ, Social Democratic Party
1945-1953 Leopold Figl ÖVP, Austrian People’s Party
1953-1961 Julius Raab ÖVP
1961-1964 Alfons Gorbach ÖVP
1964-1970 Josef Klaus ÖVP
1970-1983 Bruno Kreisky SPÖ
1983-1986 Fred Sinowatz SPÖ
1986-1997 Franz Vranitzky SPÖ
1997-2000 Viktor Klima SPÖ
2000-2007 Wolfgang Schüssel ÖVP
2007-2008 Alfred Gusenbauer SPÖ
2008- Werner Faymann SPÖ