(Above: great French cafe in the foreground, in the back is Piaristenkirche)
The Josefstadt, Vienna′s 8th District, is the smallest with a population of only 23,000. Its located just behind the City Hall, making this area known for university students and civil servants. Most mayors of Vienna have lived here, as does the current Federal president. Due to its proximity to the University of Vienna, Josefstadt is also the home of many students.
This is a comfortable residential area, but there are few tourist attractions. Since the Green Party appeals to both, students and nationalized Austrian citizens, Josefstadt became the second district in Austria to get a Green administration.The charming side of the Josefstadt include small cafes, bars, galleries and independent shops. There are various student dormitories in the fashionable eastern part of the Josefstadt and a large population of foreigners in the not-at-all-fashionable western part near the Gürtel road, which is Vienna′s prime red-light area.
Palais Schönborn is one of the few classic sightseeing spots in the Josefstadt (The current cardinal of Vienna is a Schönborn). The Palais is now property of the City of Vienna and serves as the "Österreichische Volkskundemuseum", a museum of folk culture. Other palaces in the Eight district are the more centrally located Palais Auersperg and the Palais Trautson, both very big and impressive palaces. On contrast, Palais Damian and Palais Strozzi are sad shells of previously splendid Baroque palaces.
Another museum is dedicated mostly to Gustav Klimt. He had his workshop in the Josefstadt and created some of his most famous paintings here.
The Piaristenkirche is a masterpiece by Lukas von HildebrandtOne with its characteristic twin-tower. Another church worth noting is the Baroque Dreifaltigkeitskirche or the bizarre Mechitaristenkirche.
Within Austria, the Josefstadt has a reputation for being a theater district. There are many backyard stages and small theaters, including the La Petite with only 19 seats. There are several Cabaret stages, including the legendary Cabaret Niedermayer. The Theater in der Josefstadt is a big player, founded in 1788 and is therefore the second-oldest theater in Vienna, after the Burgtheater. The Vienna International Theatre, has many English speaking performances.